Sep 24, 2017

Need to do ...

This past Friday I had the "Not just pretty images, particular theme." showcase at Armitage & McMillan and it was quite the success. There were a lot of people who came out and supported and there were some that reached out and said they would have loved to be there. I highly appreciate everyone of you! While I was setting up and prepping for people to come on by to see the work I was showcasing I thought to myself that I have done a lot of things to get to that very moment. I remember thinking at the age of 19 that having a gallery showing would be awesome. I did a lot of work that I hated doing, I've done work that doesn't relate to being a creative at all but there I was getting ready to showcase a body of work. Last week was my first week at a new job and needless to say I feel like I don't belong there. It's actually a really good paying job with great benefits in which I previously already had but I know that it's not for me at all. Yet again, another stepping stone, another thing I have to do to get to the next point in my life. I'll only be there tops 5 months as I'll be starting school full time in late Feb, early March next year. (It's crazy to think that this year is almost done also) 

The program I'm enrolling in is a 10 weeks immersive course that is 9-5 M-F. I got this job in order to save money to have during I'm in school as I will not have time to have a job. I'll more than likely still be at AMC but that's only on Sundays in which I could find a way to manage that. As it is only 10 weeks i'm afraid that the work load is going to be so heavy that I couldn't even take on a part time job in the evenings therefore this job will serve as the fuel for the 10 weeks I'll be highly focused on school work. 

I guess my point of it all is that as humans we adapt, and that's one trade that allow us to have the life span that we have. The ideal situation would be that I get out of school and get the ideal job I've been dying for to move on in my career but if it happens to be that for some reason I can't find a job, I'll take on a job I have no interest in what so ever, etc to be "okay" and treat it yet again as another stepping stone ... 

PS - "Not just pretty images, particular theme" is still up till further notice, so if you missed it opening night, come by the shop and check it out. 1550 Platte St, Suite D, Denver, CO 80202

Sep 8, 2017


It's been a while since "No particular theme, just pretty images." To be very transparent with you, I've been broke. I went on a 7 day trip to New York mid August in where all the savings I had from my summer run of freelance went to. I came back home and realized that in order to make the changes I want to make in my life I would need to get back to constantly saving money and so I've been on a job hunt yet again. While freelancing is ideal, the amount of money I'm currently making is not enough to constantly save as I would be with a consistent paycheck. I came back from NY on the 21st of August and I have not had work since then. (I've been looking, don't think I'm just lazy) It's been rough, but being at Armitage & McMillan has helped. While I do have a current website on the back burner that I've been working on since before I left (technical delays) that's the only paid project I've been doing. Other than that, I have been updating the A-W Project site. If you have yet to check it out, do so, got a new submissions program going on. 

I mentioned to you guys that "No particular theme, just pretty images" will be a gallery showing, well ....  I'll be doing a soft idea of that this month in a group showing. I'll release further information in due time but it will be this month so if you're in Denver, maybe come out? 

As for another update, I'm starting online classes Oct 2nd. I'm taking 9 credit hours and I'm nervous, I haven't done school work in years. With the help of my girlfriend and family, I'm sure I'll get through this with no problem. Well, let's hope that's the case. 

But yeah. 
Sept 11 - A-W Project Submissions Program 
Sept ?? - "No particular theme, just pretty images" soft showing, kinda, not really, but yeah.
Oct 2 - Starting School
Early Oct - "No particular theme, just pretty images" T-Shirt 003