Sep 8, 2017


It's been a while since "No particular theme, just pretty images." To be very transparent with you, I've been broke. I went on a 7 day trip to New York mid August in where all the savings I had from my summer run of freelance went to. I came back home and realized that in order to make the changes I want to make in my life I would need to get back to constantly saving money and so I've been on a job hunt yet again. While freelancing is ideal, the amount of money I'm currently making is not enough to constantly save as I would be with a consistent paycheck. I came back from NY on the 21st of August and I have not had work since then. (I've been looking, don't think I'm just lazy) It's been rough, but being at Armitage & McMillan has helped. While I do have a current website on the back burner that I've been working on since before I left (technical delays) that's the only paid project I've been doing. Other than that, I have been updating the A-W Project site. If you have yet to check it out, do so, got a new submissions program going on. 

I mentioned to you guys that "No particular theme, just pretty images" will be a gallery showing, well ....  I'll be doing a soft idea of that this month in a group showing. I'll release further information in due time but it will be this month so if you're in Denver, maybe come out? 

As for another update, I'm starting online classes Oct 2nd. I'm taking 9 credit hours and I'm nervous, I haven't done school work in years. With the help of my girlfriend and family, I'm sure I'll get through this with no problem. Well, let's hope that's the case. 

But yeah. 
Sept 11 - A-W Project Submissions Program 
Sept ?? - "No particular theme, just pretty images" soft showing, kinda, not really, but yeah.
Oct 2 - Starting School
Early Oct - "No particular theme, just pretty images" T-Shirt 003 

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